Haskell County Historical Society

Newsletter January 2006

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Monthly Edition, Volume 2

In October we received some mail boxes from the old Hoyt Post Office. They are on loan to us from Mr. Andy White, postmaster at Whitefield, for a 5 year period. At that time, the loan can be extended for another five years. Mr. White has some history regarding this type of boxes that he is going to share with us. Bankhead Print Shop donated some old newspapers and other print shop items from the old Haskell County Tribune newspaper. We plan to eventually set up a display showcasing these items.

The Halloween cake ticket sale was again a success. The winning number was drawn during the Fall Festival and Car Show in October 2005. The winner was Mr. Jim Smith. In November, the 4th and 5th grade students from Kinta toured the museum. They were served cookies and juice packs by Noretta Livesay and Alice Price. The children really enjoyed finding pictures and articles pertaining to their parents, grandparents, etc. We need to encourage this type of activity for other schools and organizations.

For Christmas the Chamber of Commerce decorated the big cedar tree outside the museum frount door. On December 3rd the lights were turned on and the Community Choir entertained the public with Christmas carols. The museum was then opened for refreshments served by members of the Historical Society. This community spirit was enjoyed by everyone. The museum was decorated for Christmas by members of the Society. We purchased a "fake" electric log burner for the fireplace. It is very festive and almost so real you want to back up to it and get warm.

The Christmas dinner was well attended. The dinner was provided by the Middle School cooks and was excellent. Aline and Charley again donated a Christmas cake which was auctioned off to lucky bidder James Roye. The Community Choir entertained us with carols. There were 65 present.

We plan to have a chili luncheon sometime in February as a fund raiser. More plans will be discussed at the monthly meeting on January 17th at 5 p.m. Everyone please try to attend.

One of our goals for this year is to interest the public in the Historical Society and its purpose in the community. We need new members, so if you know of anyone who is interested in becoming a member, please encourage them.

We are pleased to let you know that 3 additional memorial markers for the unknowns buried in Haskell have been placed at the Hoyt, Antioch, and Garland Cemeteries. There will be 3 markers a year placed in other county cemeteries thanks to the Historical Society, Mallory-Martin Funeral Home and Mr. Weldon Key.

We are sorry to report the deaths of Florence Price, a long time member, and Terri Miller, secretary in the Chamber office.

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Haskell County Historical Society * P. O. Box 481 * Stigler, OK 74462 * 918-967-2161

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