Haskell County Historical Society

Newsletter December 2005

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December 2005
Quarterly Edition, Volume 1

With the coming of the holiday season, we wish you a Howling Halloween, a Thanks-filled Thanksgiving, and a Joyous Christmas.

Our year to date has been a busy one. We have several volunteers who are working a few hours every week to get things organized. We can then set up displays and share items appropriate to the Museum and Society.

The June fundraiser was a financial success for the Society and a happy surprise for the winner, Mr. Bill Cox.

The Norma Howard display brought many visitors to the museum and gave volunteers an opportunity to explain the purpose and goals of the Historical Society.


Our membership is growing with several new members this year. We are always seeking new members and would especialy like to attract more young people. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact the Society. Membership is $5.00.


Officers were elected at the August meeting. They are:

Noretta Livesay-President

Betty Thibault-Vice President

Pat Ponder-Secretary

Jacqueline Jason-Treasurer

Jim Franks-Historian

Committees were also set up for Budget, Assets, Bylaws, Membership, and Publicity.


The annual Christmas dinner is Thursday, December 1st at 6 p.m. at the Community Center.


We received three very appreciated donations in September. An anonymous donor gave a nice cash donation. Ray and Kathy Fioretti gave a glass showcase which will allow us to display more of the many items we have had stored for lack of display space. Mr. Monte Bankhead donated a Du-Fold sofa which has been in his family at least 80 years. It is upholstered, with beautiful wooden arms and claw feet. Many thanks to these individuals for their generous donations!


The society is selling tickets for a chance to take home the Halloween cake baked and graciously donated by Aline and Charley Montgomery. A big thanks to them both!


Our next newsletter will be in January, 2006. If anyone has suggestions or has an item they would like to include, please contact the Historical Society at 967-2161.

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Haskell County Historical Society * P. O. Box 481 * Stigler, OK 74462 * 918-967-2161

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