This page contains names and contact information for various authors who live in, or are connected to, Haskell
County, Oklahoma. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all the authors listed. Please feel free
to contact anyone listed here, using the information shown.
The Haskell Regime: The Intimate Life of Charles Nathaniel Haskell
Oscar Fowler was a native of Stigler, Oklahoma. According to the Chronicles of Oklahoma, there is a copy of Oscar
Fowler's book, The Haskell Regime: The Intimate Life of Charles Nathaniel Haskell, in the Oklahoma Historical
Society. Besides his book about Charles N. Haskell, Oscar did extensive research on Belle Starr, including interviews
with many of the Haskell County residents who still remembered her. It is my understanding that Mr. Fowler passed away
before he could finish writing his book about Belle Starr; I believe that his nephew has donated Oscar's research papers to
an unknown library or museum.

Janet Holt Giles and The Giles Society
This Biographical Information was reproduced from the Giles' website, please click
on the link to find out about the Giles' other work: "Janice Holt was born in Arkansas in 1905. As a child she moved
to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) where her parents were teachers. She grew up with books and music and became an accomplished
young woman. When her first marriage ended, Janice and her daughter came to Louisville, Kentucky, where Janice worked for
Dr. Lewis Sherrill, Dean of Presbyterian Seminary. On a trip to visit family in 1943, Janice happened to share a bus
ride with Henry Giles, a soldier on his way to a new assignment. In two days on the bus they became such good friends
that they were soon corresponding daily. After Henry was sent overseas he proposed to Janice via mail and, although they never
saw each other in the interim, they were married as soon as Henry returned from active duty in 1945. After a year or
so in Louisville, the couple settled at Knifley, Adair Co., Ky, Henry's home, where Janice wrote and Henry farmed. Eventually
Henry also began to write. The story of how they built their log house and the necessity of moving it after the Green
River Dam was built is chronicled in two books by the Gileses: A LITTLE BETTER THAN PLUMB and AROUND OUR HOUSE. Preservation
of this house and the literary heritage left by Janice and Henry is the focus of the Janice Holt Giles and Henry Giles Society."