As 2007 begins we will be celebrating our state's 100th birthday. The Historical Society is privileged
to have most of the 1907 "Stigler Beacon" newspapers. We will be coordinating with the Stigler News Sentinel to put
articles from these papers in the Sentinel on a regular basis throughout the year.
In October the Chamber of Commerce held its first annual Fly-In during the Fall Festival and Car Show.
Volunteers from the Society served refreshments at the airport. This was a donations only fund raiser and we did very
well. Charley and Aline Montgomery again furnished us with a beautiful Halloween Cake. Ticket sales were very
good and the winning number was drawn during the Car Show. Wayne Wilson of Stigler was the winner. A big thank
you to Charley and Aline and everyone who purchased tickets.
Volunteers decorated the museum for Christmas and it looked very festive. Plans were made to serve
refreshments at the tree lighting but had to be cancelled due to the weather. Our Christmas dinner was held at Hammons
Cafe. Chuck and Tressa Wheeler prepared the meal and a good time was had by all.
Mr. Bob Thornton donated a Hoosier cabinet to the museum. His father was a doctor in the early
days of Stigler.
The new floor in the kitchen, hallway and bath is almost completed and is a real improvement.
The painting is on hold as we try to find new painters. Due to illness, the original volunteers will be unable to do
the painting.
Plans are under way for our 2nd annual chili luncheon. Volunteers are needed.
Our next meeting will be held January 15, 2007, at 6 p.m. at the museum. We will have the election
for new officers. Nominations will be taken from the floor. We will also be voting on raising membership dues to $12.00
per year, that's only $1.00 per month, with all memberships coming due on January 1st of each year. Copies of the revised
Constitution and By-Laws of the Haskell County Historical Society are available at the museum. Please try to attend.
Until Next Quarter....