What a lovely Spring!! The grass, flowers and trees are beautiful in all their spring colors.
In January we elected new officers as follows:
President: Neva Brigham
Vice-President: Beverly Franks
Secretary: Pat Ponder
Treasurer: Jacqueline Jason
Historian: Jim Franks
The chili luncheon was held on February 23rd. We had several volunteers cooking chili and desserts
and helping serve and clean up. The lunch was a success and the money raised will be put to good use at the museum.
In March, Neva resigned as president. The Executive Council met and appointed Pat Ponder as
her replacement. Martha Speer was appointed to replace Pat as Secretary.
The painting and repairs have been completed. We now have some new floors, new paint, new faucets
and a new bathroom light. Everyone should come by and see the improvements.
We are in the process of renewing our displays. The Cherokee display has been put back in place.
We are planning displays on early transportation, local industry, and early day Stigler, at the time of statehood. These
displays will be in place through reunion days so everyone will have a chance to see them.
The March meeting was held the 26th. There were several items on the agenda. Some were
discussed and decided on at the meeting and others were appointed to individuals or committees to be followed up on.
It was voted to hold our regular monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:15 p.m. The next meeting will
be on April 16.
A donation was made to the Historical Society by Wal-Mart and two by Hal McBride in memory of Reba
Kennedy and Patsy Parker.
We are sorry to report the death of Effie Cantrell at age 93. She was a long time and still
active member of the Historical Society.