Haskell County Historical Society

Ford, Eulis - Interview by Rhonda Pugh (Excerpt)

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By Rhonda Pugh


Name: Eulis Ford
Date of Birth: 27 April 1914
Place of Birth: Kinta or Old San Bois
Parents: Foil Ford, Mozzel (Holmes) Ford
Grandparents: John Walker Ford
Elizabeth Moore Ford
Joe Holmes
Estel Allen Holmes

(Skip ahead to topic of law enforcement officers--

EULIS FORD: The sheriff I can remember was Dan Folsum and was part Choctaw, and one notable sheriff of Haskell County for about four to six years. Then later on they had Billy Mills and several more on down the line and also Bass McGuire. Back then they had only one sheriff, one deputy and jailer ran the county. When they first started the city police they just had one most of the time at night.

(Skip ahead--)

EULIS FORD: There was an Egg and Milk Distributing Plant behind the old brick building there and sell your eggs and bring your cream in. Also started the sales barn, place where sell cattle. First sale barn was the one at the old fair ground pretty close to where the Community Center is now.

(Skip ahead--)

EULIS FORD: Another town I remember is Lequire, it's in the south of the county near San Bois Mountains and they were noted its lumber they took out of the mountains and they had a saw mill there. They had a cotton gin and blacksmith shop and several stores. One of the old settlers there that owned most of the town was Charley Kayler, he owned a big store, one of the big drug stores. The Lequires, of course, that the town was named after, one of them was Henry Lequire. It (the town) was pretty prosperous and far as I can remember, it is as old as Kinta.

(The above is an excerpt from the interview of Eulis Ford by Rhonda Pugh.)

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