On April 10th the executive council met in special session to discuss obtaining grants for the centennial
celebration. If a grant is available, we will try to obtain monies to replace the windows, paint and do general up-keep
on the museum building. As of today, we are waiting for information from the committee chairman.
Our May meeting was held on the 5th to discuss reunion days. A vote was taken and passed to again
sell tickets on a pickup truck as a fund raiser. A vote was also taken and passed to have Jim Franks' book printed and
sold with all proceeds going to the Society. Members volunteered to work in the museum to get things ready for reunion
days. A schedule was also made for volunteers to work in the museum on Saturday, reunion day.
Neva and Jacqueline volunteered to approach the car dealerships. Dunn Ford provided a Ford F150 and tickets were
prepared and distributed to members to sell. The Stigler News Sentinel printed Jim's book and volunteers spent 2 days
binding it for final sale.
Tina prepared a display case with the BatMaster and the SigAlert, both items invented by local Stiglerites. Mr. Glen
Barnett invented the BatMaster and Mr. Loyd Sigmon invented the SigAlert.
Sharon prepared a display case on cotton. This display includes cotton scales, a cotton pickers "sack," articles
made from cotton and many more items of interest. There is also a "test" on cotton to check your knowledge on this most
important of crops.
The first 2 weeks in June were spent getting ready for reunion days. Several volunteers worked almost daily cleaning,
making copies, setting up displays, etc. It was well worth the effort as the museum was extremely busy both Friday and
Saturday. Everyone seemed interested in all our displays and items for sale.
The truck ticket sale was a success. A total of 155 tickets were sold, which gave the Society a nice profit.
Jim's book sold nicely. 100 books were printed and to date 82 have sold, which is another nice profit. These books,
and all other items are sitll available for sale in the museum.
The rain was a relief from the drought, and even though it was a deterent for reunion days, the museum was a great meeting
place for old friends and visitors to Stigler.
All our displays will remain in the museum for a few months and we invite everyone to visit.
Our next meeting will be July 11th at 6 p.m. and we urge as many members as possible to attend.